
We're organising UK open data into location-based dashboards, surfacing the data available, and signposting the source.

We include a GetTheData panel alongside all the data we publish, explaining where to get the data, and where to view the licence. Like this:

Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

House Prices: Rolling out property-related open data

There is a wealth of open data relating to individual properties, localities, and local authority areas. We are starting to roll out pages showcasing this data. For example:

Postcode dashboards

Discover open datasets with records in or near a given postcode. Example: SW1A 1AA. Search by postcode, or use the postcode drill down.

Datasets include:

Open Postcode Geo

We maintain the Open Postcode Geo dataset and API. This open dataset contains English, Scottish, and Welsh postcodes along with additional fields optimised for geospace applications.

See also bng2latlong - a simple API to convert an OSGB36 easting and northing (British National Grid) to WGS84 latitude and longitude.

Open Postcode Elevation

We publish and maintain Open Postcode Elevation. This open dataset contains British postcodes and their elevations (in metres above sea level) to the nearest ten metres.

Open Pubs

We publish and maintain the Open Pubs dataset, containing UK pub names, addresses, positions, and local authority as open data.

Open Flood Risk by Postcode

We've mashed up the Environment Agency's Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea with Open Postcode Geo to create a new dataset:

Where Is...?

This is a new experimental area to attempt to answer where is [location]? using open data.

We've started with postcode districts, which you can drill down to, or look at the below examples:

See also...

Drill down into more places organised by county.

See also...
