LL36 0AJ maps, stats, and open data

LL36 0AJ lies on Swn Y Tonnau in Tywyn. LL36 0AJ is located in the Morfa Tywyn electoral ward, within the unitary authority of Gwynedd and the Welsh Parliamentary constituency of Dwyfor Meirionnydd. The Local Health Board is Betsi Cadwaladr University and the police force is North Wales. This postcode has been in use since November 2008.

LL36 0AJ geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is LL36 0AJ?

StreetSwn Y Tonnau
Postcode DistrictLL36
➜ LL36 open data dashboard
➜ See where LL36 is on a map
➜ Where is Tywyn?

LL36 0AJ Elevation

Elevation or altitude of LL36 0AJ as distance above sea level:


Elevation is measured from the approximate centre of the postcode, to the nearest point on an OS contour line from OS Terrain 50, which has contour spacing of ten vertical metres.

➜ How high above sea level am I? Find the elevation of your current position using your device's GPS.


WardMorfa Tywyn
ConstituencyDwyfor Meirionnydd


Reported crime within 500m of LL36 0AJ

December 2023Violence and sexual offencesOn or near Parking Area318m
November 2023Other theftOn or near Parking Area318m
August 2023Criminal damage and arsonOn or near Parking Area318m
➜ Swn Y Tonnau crime map and outcomes

Source: data.police.uk
Licence: Open Government Licence


Nearest bus stops to LL36 0AJ

Promenade (Marine Parade)Tywyn65m
Health Centre (Pier Road)Bryn-y-mor434m
Station (Station Road)Tywyn554m
Station (Station Road)Tywyn561m
Idris Villas (Sandilands Road)Bryn-y-mor617m

Nearest underground/metro/tram to LL36 0AJ

Tywyn Wharf (Talyllyn Railway)Tywyn652m
Tywyn Pendre (Talyllyn Railway)Pendre1,228m

Nearest railway stations to LL36 0AJ

Tywyn Station0.5km
Tonfanau Station4km
Aberdovey Station5km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


Broadband access in LL36 0AJ (2020 data)

Percentage of properties with Next Generation Access100.0%
Percentage of properties with Superfast Broadband100.0%
Percentage of properties with Ultrafast Broadband0.0%
Percentage of properties with Full Fibre Broadband0.0%

Superfast Broadband is between 30Mbps and 300Mbps
Ultrafast Broadband is > 300Mbps

Broadband limitations in LL36 0AJ (2020 data)

Percentage of properties unable to receive 2Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 5Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 10Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 30Mbps0.0%

Source: Ofcom
Licence: Ofcom Terms of Use (requires attribution)


23.3% of Welsh postcodes are less deprived than LL36 0AJ:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to LL36 0AJ (meters)

Victorian Slipway
Food Hygiene Rating: 4 (Good)
Swn Y Tonnau Marine Parade
Buccaneer Cafe
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Buccaneer Cafe, Buccaneer Amusements Marine Parade
Golden Sands
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Golden Sands Marine Parade

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to LL36 0AJ

 Last Collection 
Marine Parade16:0011:00177m
Station Road16:0010:00554m
Taly Llyn Railway16:1511:00657m

Nearest schools to LL36 0AJ

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
Ysgol Uwchradd Tywyn
Station Road, Tywyn, Gwynedd, LL36 9EU
Not applicable610m
Ysgol Gynradd Penybryn
Tywyn, Gwynedd, LL36 9EF
Not applicable1.1km

Source: Edubase
Licence: Open Government Licence

LL36 0AJ ITL and LL36 0AJ LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for LL36 0AJ:

ITL 1 CodeName
ITL 2 CodeName
TLL1West Wales and The Valleys
ITL 3 CodeName
LAU 1 CodeName

LL36 0AJ census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for LL36 0AJ:

LSOAW01000116Gwynedd 017D
MSOAW02000026Gwynedd 017

Nearest postcodes to LL36 0AJ

LL36 0AQMarine Parade30m
LL36 0DGMarine Parade74m
LL36 0DJSwn Y Wylan93m
LL36 0DHWarwick Place105m
LL36 0TB162m
LL36 0DFCorbett Avenue174m
LL36 0DUAwel Dyfi200m
LL36 0STDol Hendre218m
LL36 0AFFfordd Dyfed259m
LL36 0TATy Arfon262m