How many units in a 500ml bottle of Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol?

One 500ml bottle of Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol fruit cider contains 0.1 units of alcohol. The ABV of bottled Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol is 0.2%. Each 100ml of bottled Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol contains 0.02 units of alcohol.

Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol and UK alcohol unit guidance

The UK Chief Medical Officers advise that it is not safe to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis (source).

140.0 x 500ml bottles of Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol contains 14 units of alcohol.

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Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol data from Open Units

ProductRekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Low Alcohol
StyleFruit Cider
Quantity Unitsml
Units of Alcohol0.1
Units (4 Decimal Places)0.1000
Units per 100ml0.02