Aston New Town Flood Map

Map of Aston New Town (Birmingham, West Midlands) postcodes and their flood risks. Each postcode is assigned a risk of high, medium, low, or very low, and then plotted on a Aston New Town flood map. In the case of Aston New Town, all postcodes are medium flood risk.

Very Low
IMPORTANT: We have taken a single point within a Aston New Town postcode using Open Postcode Geo and identified the flood risk area which that point falls within. There maybe other points within the postcode which fall into a different area, and hence have a different risk level.

Flood maps for other places near Aston New Town

Aston flood map674 m
New Town Row flood map711 m
Nechells Green flood map956 m
Newtown flood map1.1 km
Birchfield flood map1.5 km
Vauxhall flood map1.6 km
Lozells flood map1.7 km
Hockley flood map1.7 km
Nechells flood map1.8 km
Birmingham flood map2.1 km