BA11 1EQ Broadband

The fastest residential broadband available in BA11 1EQ is Ultrafast Broadband, which is available to all residential premises, delivering a minimum download speed of 300 Mbps. No residential premises in BA11 1EQ have Full Fibre Broadband availability. All residential premises in BA11 1EQ have Superfast Broadband and Standard Broadband availability.

Ofcom Broadband Checker

Standard Broadband

Standard Broadband is up to 30 Mbps

Ofcom release coverage data collected as a snapshot in May 2020 for Standard Broadband connections in BA11 1EQ.

% Residential Premises in BA11 1EQ with Standard Broadband
Standard Broadband is up to 30 Mbps

Compare coverage

Compare May 2020 Standard Broadband coverage in BA11 1EQ to the wider area:

BA11 1EQ Standard Broadband coverage
BA11 1EQ
Local authority, 0 premises
Somerton and Frome
Parliamentary constituency, 49,712 premises
Ofcom Broadband Checker

Superfast Broadband

Superfast Broadband is between 30 Mbps and 300 Mbps

Ofcom release coverage data collected as a snapshot in May 2020 for Superfast Broadband connections in BA11 1EQ.

% Residential Premises in BA11 1EQ with Superfast Broadband
Superfast Broadband is between 30 Mbps and 300 Mbps

Compare coverage

Compare May 2020 Superfast Broadband coverage in BA11 1EQ to the wider area:

BA11 1EQ Superfast Broadband coverage
BA11 1EQ
Local authority, 0 premises
Somerton and Frome
Parliamentary constituency, 49,712 premises

Average download speed

Ofcom release performance data collected as a snapshot in May 2019 for Superfast Broadband connections in BA11 1EQ.

BA11 1EQ Superfast Broadband average download speed
← Slowest
Fastest →
0 Mbps
77.8 Mbps
300 Mbps

Compare average download speed

Compare the May 2019 Superfast Broadband average download speed in BA11 1EQ to the wider area:

BA11 1EQ Superfast Broadband average download speed
BA11 1EQ
77.8 Mbps
Local authority
Somerton and Frome
Parliamentary constituency
68.4 Mbps
Ofcom Broadband Checker

Ultrafast Broadband

Ultrafast Broadband is between 300 Mbps and 1 Gbps

Ofcom release coverage data collected as a snapshot in May 2020 for Ultrafast Broadband connections in BA11 1EQ.

% Residential Premises in BA11 1EQ with Ultrafast Broadband
Ultrafast Broadband is between 300 Mbps and 1 Gbps

Compare coverage

Compare May 2020 Ultrafast Broadband coverage in BA11 1EQ to the wider area:

BA11 1EQ Ultrafast Broadband coverage
BA11 1EQ
Local authority, 0 premises
Somerton and Frome
Parliamentary constituency, 49,712 premises
Ofcom Broadband Checker

Full Fibre Broadband

Full Fibre Broadband is 1 Gbps or faster

Ofcom release coverage data collected as a snapshot in May 2020 for Full Fibre Broadband connections in BA11 1EQ.

% Residential Premises in BA11 1EQ with Full Fibre Broadband
Full Fibre Broadband is 1 Gbps or faster

Compare coverage

Compare May 2020 Full Fibre Broadband coverage in BA11 1EQ to the wider area:

BA11 1EQ Full Fibre Broadband coverage
BA11 1EQ
Local authority, 0 premises
Somerton and Frome
Parliamentary constituency, 49,712 premises
Ofcom Broadband Checker